MTH133 Spring 2019

Welcome to sections 22-28 of MTH133. These sections are taught by Prof. Mark Iwen and Prof. Willie Wong, with the help of TAs Sugil Lee, Woong Bae Park, Xin Tong, and Cheuk Wai Yau. Here you will find information specific to these sections of Calculus II.

Our sections are a little bit different from regular MTH133 sections: we are piloting an effort to modernize calculus instruction at MSU. Instead of standard recitations, our sections include enrichment material using computer modelling and numerical simulations to connect traditional calculus learning objectives with practical STEM contexts. The impact of this integration on student learning will be studied by the Mathematics Department, supported by a grant from MathWorks Academic Support.

Course Information

  • Course schedule: detailed course schedule.
  • WeBWorK / Student Portal: this is where you will do all your homework, and where you can view your current grades.
  • Course grade estimator [Ed 2019.06.01: link removed]: a calculator that helps you estimate your final course grade based on work completed to date.
  • MATLAB Online: for working on your labs when you don't have a working installation of MATLAB (but you still need a MathWorks account).
  • Math Learning Center: if you need more help with the course material.
  • Anonymous Comment Box [Ed 2019.06.01: link removed]: let us know of your thoughts, both positive and negative, about how the course is going. Any and all comments about all aspects of the course are welcome. Comments are entirely anonymous and will not impact your grade in this course.

Course News

June 1, 2019

Links to the Labs, Mini-Tests, and their Solutions are removed from the announcements below as part of the archiving process for this course page.

April 12, 2019

The files for Lab 7 is now available. For this lab we will work with some actual real-life data. The zip file that you download will contain two files: one is the Matlab Livescript (.mlx) file which you will open in MATLAB; the other is the data file with extension .csv. Please extract both files to the same directory.

April 3, 2019

  1. Here are the solutions to the fourth mini-test. They should be graded and returned to you by next Tuesday.
  2. I want to also remind you that we have a Mini-Test student remediation policy to reward you for attending the review next Tuesday; see the course policy page for more details.
  3. Some hand-outs: summary document for sequences and series which I emailed out two weeks ago; summary document for power series which I emailed out two days ago; and a review worksheet for the second midterm exam.
  4. Room assignments for the second midterm (which is next week!) has been posted on the department webpage.

March 20, 2019

Here are the solutions to the third Mini-Test. They should be graded and returned to you by next Tuesday.

I've now also posted a copy of the series review summary that I e-mailed out last weekend.

March 12, 2019

The LiveScript file for Lab 5 is available.

Reminder: Mini-Test 3 will take place next Tuesday. Material covered will be Sections 11.1 through 11.6. As usual: you are highly encouraged to look at old exams to help you study.

February 26, 2019

The LiveScript file for Lab 4 is available.

You should be receiving your graded Exam 1 today after lab. The first thing to do is to flip to the back page and make sure that the final tally of your score agrees with the per-page scores that were given.

Solutions to the first midterm is posted on the department webpage for old exams. Please look over the posted solutions and compare with what you wrote. If you think anything at all was incorrectly or unfairly graded, our course policy ask that you submit a written request for regrading. Please write on a separate piece of paper your name, your section, and a clear description of what you think was incorrectly graded. You should clearly identify which question(s) your request concerns, and articulate why you think the grading is in error, preferably drawing comparisons between your answer against the published solution. Your written request should be attached to your exam and given to one of the course instructors within one week of receiving the graded paper back. (In practice, in view of Spring Break, this means that you should turn in any regrading requests by Friday!)

February 12, 2019

  1. Here is the PDF solutions to the second Mini-Test.
  2. Here is an review worksheet for the first midterm exam.
  3. Reminder: attendance at the review session next Tuesday during recitation will help boost your grade in view of the Mini-Test student remediation policy. (See course policy for more details.)

February 1, 2019

Three announcements.

  1. Here is the PDF solutions to the first Mini-Test.
  2. For next Tuesday, you will need the LiveScript file for Lab 3.
  3. The exam rooms for the Uniform Midterm 1 has been assigned.

January 24, 2019

Reminder: first Mini-Test is coming up next week, on Tuesday January 29. For more information about what the test will cover and the format of the test, please visit our info page on tests and exams. Students are encouraged to prepare for the mini-tests by going over past exams, a collection of which is made available by the math department.

Also: Last call for RCPD VISAs, if you want it applied toward the Mini-Test.

January 22, 2019

The LiveScript file for Lab 2 is available.

January 12, 2019

The LiveScript file for Lab 1 is now available for download.

January 9, 2019

The LiveScript file for Lab 0 is now available for download.

January 7, 2019

Welcome to the Spring Semester! The beginning of semester is always extremely busy, here are a list of things that you will need to pay attention to this week and next:

  • Go through this webpage and familiarize yourself with the course policy. E-mail Prof. Mark and Prof. Willie if you have any questions. It is your responsibility (even though we will make every effort to give timely reminders) to know the rules and follow them.
  • Double check right now the dates for the midterm exams and the final exam. Mark them on your calendars. Plan your schedules around them. If you think you have a conflict that is a valid excused absence, let Prof. Mark or Prof. Willie know immediately. Do not wait until the last minute.
  • (RCPD Students Only): please turn in your RCPD visas to Prof. Mark or Prof. Willie.
  • Install MATLAB (before Friday January 11).
  • Start working on WeBWorK; the Calculus I review does not count toward your final grade in the course. However, if you cannot pass it with higher than a 60%, you should come talk to Prof. Mark or Prof. Willie to discuss whether Calculus II is the right class for you.
  • Participate in the pre-course survey. The survey closes on Friday January 18. It is worth extra credit. Don't be late and miss out.