
This is an arXiv category tag: it contains differential geometry and Riemannian geometry. Roughly speaking the notion of geometry here refers to how one can measure things on manifolds.

The "Nirenberg trick" or "Nirenberg transformation" is the observation1 that the semilinear wave equation …

Random thought: Poohsticks illustrates well Lie differentiation

Given a curve and a hypersurface, both in Euclidean space, how can we tell if the curve is tangent to the hypersurface?

An expository note on the notions of curvature and torsion of a general linear connection on the tangent bundle.

About the Einstein-Infeld-Hoffmann theorem characterizing geodesics.

One of my current research interests is in the geometry of constant-mean-curvature time-like submanifolds of Minkowski space. A special …

Expository article on the geometric notion of derivatives.

We explain how to conformally compactify pseudo-Euclidean spaces with $(p,q)$ signature.

We show that trapped surfaces cannot exist in (2+1) dimensional relativity.

Life is boring in low dimensions.